HCC-SW's General Assembly Meeting

Friends and supporters of HCC-SW,

HCC will hold the annual assembly meeting at Theo's Restaurant this Friday the 8th, at 7:00 PM.
All members in good standing will be able to vote. 
Two Director positions are open to be filled. Please think who is the best to serve the community and come to appoint. All appointed candidates must be present to the General Assembly to be eligible for a vote.

What we did during 2018 will be reviewed and the plans for the future will follow.
An update on the actions taken towards the building fundraising will be presented. All good ideas will be welcomed and accommodated.

During this meeting, YOU directly will be able to help shape the future of the community.

Even if you are not a director, but you want help more actively, you will have the opportunity to assign yourself to one of the various committees that oversee and execute our projects.

Come and let us know what you expect. What events to promote, how to promote and what really moves you from the selections we do.

The Consul of Greece will address the membership, and delegates from current and future member organizations will give a quick update and the status of their organizations as well.

A short presentation on International Day of Greek Language will be delivered from the director of Saint Basil School Sophia Vachtsevanou.

Event Information

Event Date 08-Feb-2019 7:00 pm CST
Event End Date 08-Feb-2019 9:00 pm CST
Available Place 100
Individual Price Free
Location Theo's Restaurant

We are no longer accepting registration for this event