Relaunch of the Hellenic Cultural Society of Dallas


The Hellenic Cultural Society of Dallas (HCSD) is a non-profit cultural organization that exists to advance, celebrate, and preserve the Hellenic culture and heritage. The idea for the Society began in 1992. It had a storied existence led by many notable Presidents until about 2004-05. The Society went dormant until this past year. In the fall of 2019, a few community members and past Society presidents, formed an Organizing Committee to revive the Society.

Today, the Society has new Bylaws, a new Board of Directors with an Executive Committee to lead the day to day and it exists as a non-profit organization with the intention to become a 501(c)(3) later this year.

Later this year, we will announce our first events. Should you be interested in becoming a Steward of HCSD, please send a request for a Stewardship form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may also follow us on our Facebook page at Hellenic Cultural Society of Dallas

  • The mission of the HCSD is to preserve and promote the Hellenic culture, heritage, language, and traditions, for enriching and informing contemporary life and the future.
  • The Society actively serves Greeks who live in the Dallas – Fort Worth area; Americans of Greek descent, and Philhellenes, those who are interested in Greece and its rich history and culture.
  • Stewardship is a suggested minimum of $25/year per individual; free ($0/year) for students. Additional stewardship levels may be defined and established at the discretion of the Board. Stewards of HCSD can vote to nominate the Board of Directors and have the opportunity to run for one of the Board of Director(s) seats. In essence, they can influence the direction and programs of the Society.

The Society's focus will revolve around the following seven Pillars of ● Hellenism’s ideals: Language and Education; Sciences (e.g. Technology, Architecture, etc.); History; Philosophy & Literature; Arts (e.g. Painting, Photography, Music, Dance, Theater, Gastronomy, etc.); Greek Orthodox Faith; and Philanthropy

We are excited to restart this organization and we look forward to engaging you with rich, exciting, and diverse events!!

memThe HCSD Board of Directors