Becky's Marathon Run

Ever dreamed to run Athens Authentic Marathon All Expenses Paid?


The Story of Becky Remediakis 

Health often takes a  backseat amidst our busy lives/careers/schools/families. As obesity and diseases relating to it are becoming endemic to our society, a healthy diet and exercise have never been more important!  Running is my way of keeping fit, developing focus & endurance that help me immensely in my professional/personal life.  


As I began running, I became fascinated with the great sport of Marathon and the story of its origins. In  490  BC,  the father of the modern Marathon and the brave Greek soldier, Pheidippides ran a distance of 280 miles between Marathon, Sparta & back and then another 26 miles to Athens to save the  Greek army from defeat in the hands of Persians. He is my personal hero and an enduring symbol of inner strength, commitment and perseverance! 

Hellenic Cultural Center of the Southwest's (HCC-SW) program to raise funds for the Community Building Project and at the same time, give the runners a chance to participate in the classic, ancient Marathon run by the Great Pheidippides himself was a unique opportunity that I simply couldn't refuse! 

I need to achieve a funding goal of $6000 set by the HCC-SW's Marathon Committee by Aug 31st, 2020 in order to qualify for the program. Please help me achieve this goal by donating to my GoFundMe page. All of your donations will go directly to the HCC-SW's Community Building Project. HCC- SW has a rich history of sending runners to the Athens Marathon for 32 years since 1988. 

HCC- SW is a bonafide 501 c3 nonprofit organization and your donation is tax-deductible. You will receive the necessary letter immediately after you submit your donation. 

There is no better way to honor the spirit of Pheidippides than to follow his footsteps, and in the process help inheritors of his legacy, the Greeks of Houston, to build their community center to host ancient Hellenic cultural heritage,  art, democracy, philosophy, science, ethos, and values.

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